Friday 27 January 2017

Dealing With The New Oni Final Chapter

And this is it! The last 3 new Kiwami Demons. I don't wanna talk too long and lets go to the first one!

I expect to this will happen. I failed to endure the first 3-4 mins before Horo backup me. The looks of this Demon is so badass. 10/10 would ride it! Ok. About its attack pattern, it is kinda slow but it is a wide attack. the damage is also high as F. The second form makes him more badass. Its attack is more aggressive. But overall its a pretty balanced demon. I would totally ride on it someday.

Next is this gargoyle/old style vampire based demon. It looks cool too. I predicted its move because of the way it stands. It is almost the same as Bladewing but it is less annoying than it. You just have to dodge its claws attack that makes you stunned for about 2 seconds and after that you can continue spamming melee attacks.

Finally! The very last boss demon at Kiwami story. I've watched some gameplay vids at YouTube about this and it looks like an easy boss. BUT IT IS NOT!(for the first encounter ofc) Well i would say, it is both easy and hard in a different situation. It is easy to deal damage just to hit its feet and you are not vulnerable to any attack except when it will stomp from the back. It is hard when it transcend to its second form. Its attack is very difficult to see. You need to cut its tentacle-like arm to bring it back to its first form. Overall, this is a great boss battle.

First of all, sorry if i didn't update this final part right after the second part because i was having a tough day. I think i will not continue making a translated list about large demons and the new demons because there is already a partial patch of  Toukiden Kiwami. Anyway, the next thing i'm gonna do is to fight all the sub-species or the upgraded version of each Large and New Demons at Ultimate Difficulty.

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